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How to make your Indiscent perfume scent last on your skin all day.

Updated: Dec 26, 2022

Do you find you are spraying your perfume all over and still can't smell it throughout the day? Are you having to spray yourself constantly to smell the perfume? Let us give you some tips that will not only help the scent last on your skin all day but also save you from running out of your favourite perfumes quickly. We have not only tried and tested these methods ourselves but also learnt the reasons behind why they work. We've got you, trust us. Try to use as many of these tips as possible and we will have you smelling yummy all day long, whether you are on a date, going to the gym or going to work, we will keep you smelling intoxicating.

Keep reading to find our tips below

Tip #1 - We hope you do this anyway, but first things first - you need to have a shower and/or a bath.

This tip is really, really, important. This is the base that will keep your perfume lasting on your skin for a long time. When we shower or bathe, the hot invigorating water and steam will help open our pores and cleanse them. Straight after a shower the first thing you need to do is a quick pat-dry and (the start of the magic) MOISTURISE!

Tip #2 - Perfume before clothes!

Perfumes smell the best and last the longest when it is able to blend with our body's natural oils. However, if you do not moisture your skin after washing yourself, your skin cannot lock in the fragrance. We recommend using an unscented lotion, body butters, oils to moisturise and make sure you get every nook and crannies'. Now your perfume has a base to stick on to. Ladies - think of make up without a primer? Moisturising skin is like the primer! Men - this step applies to you too.

"Where should one use perfume? Wherever one wants to BE KISSED" – Chanel

Tip #3 - Spray onto your pulse points

Before I learnt about perfume, I too used to just spray all over and hope for the best (face palm). No, not anymore. Spray directly onto your pulse points (photo above). Why? I want you to imagine an oil diffuser and how that scent omits into the air. Now, think of your body as an oil diffuser. Your pulse points heat up more than the rest of your body, applying perfume to these areas means as they heat up your fragrance will be diffused into the air throughout the day. Pulse point areas, behind the ears, nape of the neck, cleavage, wrists, backs of knees, inside of elbows etc - the photos show the different areas for Men & Women.

Tip #4 - Spray & Rub

I ask you nicely, no I beg you - please stop rubbing your wrists together once you have sprayed your perfume. You are not helping your cause by doing this, in fact, rubbing your wrists together will cause the scent to DISSOLVE and crushes the scents. We don't want this. Just spray your perfume as normal and let it be.

Tip #5 - The forgotten one.

Our final tip is don't forget about your hair. Spray your hairbrush or comb and gently run it through your dry hair for that extra scent. Throughout the day as you move, you will receive gentle whiffs of perfume from your hair. Please don't spray directly onto your hair though, we don't want to damage and dry out your gorgeous locks.

You've got this!

Follow the tips above, moisturise, spray your pulse points and you are off to a good start. Just like all things, perfumes do have an expiration date, have you been holding onto your beloved perfume for years and realised it just doesn't smell as nice anymore? Don't hate me, but its time for you to throw it out. Replace your perfume with one of our high quality, long lasting affordable eau de perfume for all under £40. If you like this post or like the content send me a DM or message me, I will send you a unique discount code just for you.

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